Sunday, April 5, 2009

B is for Baking

Well, Gumdrop, never let it be said that I won’t help out a friend in need. After all, you did introduce me to the splendors of Dorie Greenspan (how could I ever be mad at you for dabbling in Tuesdays with Dorie? I too have cheated, making the very same French Yogurt Cake. It disappeared so quickly, I didn’t have time for a picture).

So, yes, this week’s challenge is a baking one. One that starts near the very beginning with a quintessential Canadian treat immortalized in Charlie Pachter’s Alphabet: butter tarts. Are you a current girl? Do you use corn syrup or cream? Do you prefer your pastry with shortening or butter or both? So many delicious questions to be answered…

B is for ooey gooey golden butter tarts.


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